Installing Additional Hadoop Services using Parcels in Cloudera Manager

To install additional Services using Parcel in Cloudera Manager, follow the following steps:

  1. Download Parcel file from internet, make sure the component version is supported by your Cloudera version & the Operating System
  2. Download corresponding manifest.json file, also create .sha file using command
     echo "*********************" > componentName.parcel.sha
  3.  Where this hash will be found in manifest.json file
  4. Scp these three files to Hadoop Master node at location like /opt/cloudera/parcel-local/newdir
  5. Run an httpserver in this dir to expose this a local parcel repository 
    python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8900 
  6. In Cloudera manager, go to parcel page and Check for New Parcels. You might have to configure parcel setting and add your server:8900 as one of the parcel repository.
  7. You should see your parcel listed here now
  8. Perform Download of this parcel in CM
  9. Perform Distribute, by clicking on Distribute button
  10. Perform Activate, by clicking on Activate button
  11. Check Parcel Usage
  12. Now you may need to perform 'Cluster Add Service' to actually install your component based on above Parcel


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